Authentic design :: Select material :: Handcrafted to the finest touch
Thanks for your visit. This folio is a collection of my work over the past dozen or so years. Whether carpentry or sculpture, furniture or frames, the creative priority is handcrafted at the Luz de Mano home studio workshop. Available for commission and collaboration.

The Poet’s Desk
Commissioned by a poet-professor, this is The Poet’s Desk. She wanted a desk that doesn’t gather clutter, inspires the writing process, and looks like art when she’s not using it. Redwood lumber and brass. 75”h x 38”w x 6”d.

Adama :: sculpted chair
As in first man and noble dame mashed together. And if you say it backwards, amada, you have “beloved” in Spanish. The rubber tree I had to chop down last year was bursting too close to my house. This chair was the base of that tree. Sits at 15” high; overall 22”h x 18”w x 14”d.
Aroush Study :: unique library shelf for a writer & a lawyer
The rolling & sliding functions of the library ladder and cabinet doors were tricky, and worth the challenge. The whole thing was an invention. In a space that wasn’t exactly square, making it work smoothly and safely was the highest priority.

Screen Door Delux :: a perfect architectural fit
We, the architect and I, want to say we collaborated on the design, but I think his home dictated everything: match the interior wood, match the existing door and windows, make it lock, and let their low-rider corgi get in & out. Made with cherry hardwood, stained and protected with three coats of spar-urethan. Also made so you can change out the screen easily.
LdM Signature Frames
Art Frames
Inspired by all of you making and displaying more art at home, introducing the LdM Art Frame. Whether for illustrations, watercolor, or fabric art, it’s a box frame that encourages more art production because you can change out the art just by sliding the acrylic glass out the top. Made of premium quality Baltic birch plywood, sanded smooth and finished. The box frame allows the art to float in the 3/4-inch space behind the acrylic glass. Several ways to fasten the art, though, this display currently has no art.
Record Frames
Amplify your favorite record cover art. Mix a vintage vibe with a modern beat. Let the music rattle the walls. Change the art, change the tempo. If the vinyl collector still likes to spin records, then this is the next big hit, because you can slide the record (cover and all) in and out of the frame without removing the frame from the wall.